Oct 2, 2012

Madyson is TEN!

Madyson is officially in double digits! I cannot brag about this little girl any more than I already do.  Her heart is made of gold! She loves being a sister to 4 bratty ;) boys! She loves to help them...and maybe pick on them a little! haha! She is learning so much at church and cannot wait to get baptized (if her mommy would just go and do it already!) ☺She is my buddy...and I love to do just about everything with her! She had an amazing birthday! We splurged on her this year! She got a new iPod Touch with a pink jeweled Hello Kitty case! I am regretting it a little though! She already has 228 pictures of just about herself on there...and she is on it 24/7! KIDS! =) She deserves it though...she works really hard in school....she is the princess, and she is daddy's little girl!!  We love you Madyson!!