Oct 20, 2012

First day of school!

Their first day started in August this year.  My poor kids lost 2 weeks of summer! Madyson is now in 5th grade! She is growing up way too fast! She is bringing home tons of A's and never EVER gets her westie signed for behavior! She had lunch detention though for not having enough reading points! UhOh!!  Sooo, she came home and read TWO 7 point books in 2 days and passed them both! She chooses to not finish books...it is her own fault!!  She reads 100 pages and then starts a new book! Weirdest thing ever!

Dayton and Caydon are in 3rd grade.  I decided to separate them with different teachers this year.  Best decision ever! The teachers tend to think of them as 1 child.  Their report cards say the same thing and they receive the same grades...even though I knew school was much easier for Caydon.  Well, now I can focus on their weak and strong points with less confusion.  Caydon is so smart.  I do not have any fears that he will not learn his spelling words! He always brings home and A! He is a wiz at math! His test are always an A+ and put up on the wall for a week! He LOVES math! Everything comes more naturally to him too.  Then Dayton...he struggles because he does not enjoy school.  Well, maybe not school but learning! He has the best teacher...she was Madyson's 1st grade teacher! I picked her because she is so kind and I knew she would have the patience with him.  He ranges about a 79% on all of his spelling test.  I will take it! as long as it never drops below 70%, I will be a super proud mom! His math scores are usually 80%.  His reading is outstanding!!  He has double the points of alot of kids in his class.  I think they are really going to excel this year!

Brandon...he was maintaining A's...then, he got a girlfriend and decided to not do homework! He is now getting 2 D+'s! Yuck! So, his dad made a great deal with him.  If he brings those grades up to a C and keeps them at a C  for a week...he will get him a cell phone and put him on our plan! He is way too old to not have one...but, we cannot reward him for bad grades....you know!!! Keep your fingers crossed!